Touch Typing

In order to learn how to touch type you must place both of your hands on the key board. On your right hand, your thumb must touch the space bar. Your next finger (pointer) must touch the letter "J". The next finger (middle) must touch the letter "K". The next finger (ring) must touch the letter he next finger (pinkie) must touch ";". On your left hand, your thumb must touch the space bar. Your next finger, (pointer) must touch the letter "F". The next finger, (middle) must touch the letter "D". The next finger must touch the letter "S". The next letter, (ring) must touch the letter "A".
As you start typing you only move your fingers not your hands. You should first learn how type by using both of your pointers. Start by pressing the letter "J"  and the letter "F." Start making a pattern by pressing both of the letters. An example could be this, :" j ff jjfjf jff fff jffj jffjf jff jjj jjf f jfj fjf  fj fj ffj", and you keep on going till you get the hang of it. When you get use it you can start practicing with the letters "D" and "K". You do the same thing by pressing them in a pattern. An example could be this "ddd kkd kdkd kdkd dd kkd dkd kkkd dkd kdkd." Keep on practicing and then you can start practicing with the other letters on the board. w. Soon you will get the hang of it, which will will help you in the futuer. It's a good thing that you learn how to touch type because it would help you with your essays in college, in class, in our job, and in much more subjects.When you know where the letters are located on the key board, you should start making sentences and keep on practcing.